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How to download torrent on iPhone & iPad with Bitport. It's easy. Just sign up at, find a torrent file you want to download, copy the magnet link address of the file and paste it to Bitport. This works both for iPad and iPhone.

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苹果手机下载bt文件的方法:方法一:uTorrent1下载后安装并运行程序.运行后点击那个“+”号打开种子文件.2打开种子文件后点击新弹出窗口右下方的“确定”开始下载.方法二:QQ旋风1、QQ旋风也是有BT、磁力链接下载的功能的,下 There are a number of online apps for torrenting for iPhone, even though Apple banned torrent applications from iTunes. To help you find your way round and figure out the best ways to download torrents on iOS, we present you our top 5 torrent app picks for iPhone: 迅雷 iOS 版已经重新上架,距离其从应用商店下架已经过去四年时间,最新版迅雷的 BT 和磁力下载方式和以前有所不同,需要使用的小伙伴赶紧上车!. 安装完成后打开迅雷 App,进入首页【本地下载】,点击【创建下载】按钮,输入资源下载地址后即可创建下载任务。. 需要注意的是,以上方法只支持 http、https、ftp 开头的下载地址,无法直接复制磁力链接下载。. 想要下载 Downloading torrents directly to your iPhone is not as easy as on some other devices. Due to the controversial nature of torrent files, Apple banned all torrent client apps from its online store. Officially, you are not able to download any torrent files to your iOS device.

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如何下载torrent iphone

iOS 迅雷现已支持磁力链接和BT 下载,老司机都懂_腾讯新闻

如何下载torrent iphone

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However, I have seen a few that safely landed through the approval process. 1、iOS APP后台挂起机制,下载个大文件要几十分钟甚至几个小时,需要一直开着iPAD而且一直保持下载应用在前面运行. 2、iOS APP沙盒隔离机制,磁力链接的还好一点,如果是种子文件很难在浏览器下载了发送到下载软件。. 反过来,下载软件下载到的文件,想用别的应用打开或者处理也很麻烦。. 相对来说,复制磁力链接/种子地址,用网盘的离线下载功能远程下载到网盘上 iPhone, iPad : comment télécharger des torrent sans jailbreak. On ne va pas vous refaire la blague de Google sur la capacité de stockage des iPhone.

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Due to the controversial nature of torrent files, Apple banned all torrent client apps from its online store. Officially, you are not able to download any torrent files to your iOS device. 苹果手机下载bt文件的方法:方法一:uTorrent1下载后安装并运行程序.运行后点击那个“+”号打开种子文件.2打开种子文件后点击新弹出窗口右下方的“确定”开始下载.方法二:QQ旋风1、QQ旋风也是有BT、磁力链接下载的功能的,下 a) Basic method: Downloading torrents on iPhone with Documents by Readdle. Documents by Readable is a great torrent management app, intuitive and full with handy features. Here’s how to get it, config, and download torrents with it: Install Documents by Readdle from iTunes; Launch it and open your torrent site within the app 3.点击“下载”,选择最下方的“传输列表”。 4.选择你要下载的文件。 5.点击打开。进入选择下载工具界面。 6.找到迅雷图标。 7.点击打开,进入迅雷界面。选择下载,就可以了。 1、首先把torrent类型的文件传到百度网盘里面;. 2、手机浏览器登录百度网盘(注意不是用app登录而是浏览器登录),然后点击右下方的网页版;.