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It is equipped with the most powerful NVIDIA Turing™ architecture GeForce RTX™ 3080 graphics card and the latest Thunderbolt™ 3 high-speed transmission interface and this combination not only brings powerful 3D gaming performance to the Thunderbolt™ 3 技嘉AORUS Z270X-Gaming 9是一款电脑主板,主芯片组为Intel Z270,最大内存容量64GB,CPU插槽LGA 1151。 【技嘉Z370 AORUS Ultra Gaming 主板】京东JD.COM提供技嘉Z370 AORUS Ultra Gaming 主板正品行货,并包括GIGABYTEZ370 AORUS Ultra Gaming 主板网购指南,以及技嘉Z370 AORUS Ultra Gaming 主板图片、Z370 AORUS Ultra Gaming 主板参数、Z370 AORUS Ultra Gaming 主板评论、Z370 AORUS Ultra Gaming 主板心得、Z370 AORUS Ultra Gaming 主板技巧等信息,网购 中关村在线(ZOL.COM.CN)提供技嘉Z370 AORUS Gaming WIFI主板最新报价,同时包括技嘉Z370 AORUS Gaming WIFI图片、技嘉Z370 AORUS Gaming WIFI参数、技嘉Z370 AORUS Gaming WIFI评测行情、技嘉Z370 AORUS Gaming WIFI论坛、技嘉Z370 AORUS Gaming WIFI点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买技嘉Z370 AORUS Gaming WIFI主板提供有价值的参考 AORUS GTX 1070 Gaming Box connects to the laptop PC by Thunderbolt™3. It provides the speed up to 40 Gbps and delivers 100W to charge the laptop PC. * For power charging, the laptop PC needs to support PD 3.0 图说主板 技嘉z370 aorus gaming 3配置 2017-11-10 05:40:00 [ 中关村在线 原创 ] 作者: 郎孟华 | 责编:赵剑楠 技嘉 Z370 AORUS GAMING 3 是一款针对主流玩家打造的电竞 主板 ,沿用了经典的红黑配色,对新的第八代酷睿处理器提供支持。 The AORUS GTX 1070 Gaming Box also provides a more compact solution compared to other external graphics alternatives with its small form factor, which takes up very little space and can be easily stored or carried on the go with the included carrying bag, enhancing the device with better portability. 技嘉AORUS Z270X-GAMING 9:雏鹰破壳傲世展翅. 伴随着2017年Intel 200系芯片组的升级,技嘉也顺势推出了自己的顶级子品牌——AORUS,以雄鹰姿态为形象,取名自希腊神话中的太阳神赫鲁斯(Horus),定位显然就是和华硕ROG一较高下的了。之前我们首测Intel i7-7700K 技嘉刚刚发布了多款 AMD Radeon RX 6800 系列非公版显卡新品,其中包括 899 美元(约 5883 RMB)RX 6800 XT AORUS Master、849 美元(约 5556 RMB)的 RX 6800 XT Gaming OC 技嘉x470 aorus gaming 7 wifi是一块标准的atx规格主板,尺寸为30.5*24.4cm,采用10+2相ir数字供电,供电部分采用堆栈式散热鳍片+热管直触散热器,可提供强劲的散热能力保障vrm供电元件正常运作,音频部分还有ess sabre数字模拟转换,可为玩家还原最真实的音效。 Z370 AORUS Gaming 7采用标准型的ATX板型,板面使用了经典的纯黑配色,使板面整体看起来十分具有科技感。主板采用十相服务器级数字供电设计,提供了支持Intel第八代智能酷睿处理器的LGA 1151插槽,虽然不兼容上一代产品,但CPU散热器部分没有发生变动,市面上支持上代主板的旧款散热器无需额外配件 Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.

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