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This ebook contains ideas, opinions and vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 2, and I wrote is specifically for students who need a high score (band 6.5 to 9) in the writing test. The first student who bought the book wrote me this message: "Hi Simon. I received and just opened the ebook. It seems that you have done a great work on it. Thanks!! The material you gave me is amazing." (Natasa

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IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening. IELTS topics, vocabulary and grammar. IELTS Tips and Strategies for a High Score. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a standardised English test run by and managed by the Cambridge English Language Assessment, the British Council and IDP Australia. Aug 17, 2012 · 求一个外国人写的雅思作文网址 来自: 睡午觉的山伯君 2012-08-17 10:03:59 前几天用手机看经验帖的时候,看到某楼同学说他经常去一个外国人写雅思作文的网址,上面的作文比国内老师写的简单,而且仿写起来比较容易。 小作文的话《雅思8分万能作文》里面的15篇范文很不错,结合剑桥的范文我觉得够用了。 最好看下十天突破雅思写作,里面有详细的小作文和流程图(好像是第九第十章)写作流程。 小作文多写,写完参照范文总结思路。 中企动力(英语头条 – 雅思g类听力下载, 为您提供雅思g类听力下载英语、发音、口语最新动态,雅思g类听力下载相关院校、机构新闻等。 考官推荐雅思写作40篇高分范文:《雅思8分万能作文》(升级版) 已读在线上pdf, 很 高兴见到 背景话题,每一个话题提供了相应的必备词汇及思路扩展,供考生进行 个人素材库扩展。 您可以轻松下载或购买用于在Internet上查看ODF的应用程序 。 本资料通过对雅思真题的分析, 本书提炼出雅思听力、 阅读、 写作和口语四大题 型中常见和常用单词和词组, 并根据雅思考试的特点和趋势, 补充了最贴近雅思 考试  本资料通过对雅思真题的分析, 本书提炼出雅思听力、 阅读、 写作和口语四大题型中常见和常用单词和词组, 并根据雅思考试的特点和趋势, 补充了最贴近雅思考试  雅思词汇红宝书pdf. 237人已下载.


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IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a standardised English test run by and managed by the Cambridge English Language Assessment, the British Council and IDP Australia. 求一个外国人写的雅思作文网址 来自: 睡午觉的山伯君 2012-08-17 10:03:59 前几天用手机看经验帖的时候,看到某楼同学说他经常去一个外国人写雅思作文的网址,上面的作文比国内老师写的简单,而且仿写起来比较容易。 小作文的话《雅思8分万能作文》里面的15篇范文很不错,结合剑桥的范文我觉得够用了。 最好看下十天突破雅思写作,里面有详细的小作文和流程图(好像是第九第十章)写作流程。 小作文多写,写完参照范文总结思路。 Daily IELTS lessons with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner. IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening. IELTS topics, vocabulary and grammar. This ebook contains ideas, opinions and vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 2, and I wrote is specifically for students who need a high score (band 6.5 to 9) in the writing test. The first student who bought the book wrote me this message: "Hi Simon. I received and just opened the ebook.


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The first student who bought the book wrote me this message: "Hi Simon. I received and just opened the ebook. It seems that you have done a great work on it. Thanks!! The material you gave me is amazing." (Natasa IELTS is the high stakes English test for international study, migration and work. Open a world of opportunity with IELTS.

It seems that you have done a great work on it. Thanks!! The material you gave me is amazing." (Natasa IELTS is the high stakes English test for international study, migration and work. Open a world of opportunity with IELTS.

IELTS writing, reading, speaking and listening.