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Dell driver disc for Inspiron models 1420, 1520, 1525, 1526, 1720 and 1721. Addeddate. Re: Dell Service Tech CD Follow this page and notice the link to the downloadable file. 21/2/2021 · You may be prompted to install or update the SupportAssist program, if so, follow the prompts. Your CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive is not recognized by Windows or other programs. You are unable to Write/Burn files to a CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc.

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Execute HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E965-E325-11C E-BFC1-08002BE10318} in the registry according to the following path 3. Then find the "LowerFilters" item … 3、先重启电脑按F2 选择到BOOT选项。Boot List Option设置为Legacy,下面设置启动项为Hard Drvie(硬盘启动),如果你把固态硬盘装在光驱位置,则设置默认启动项为CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive(光驱启动)。 4、还有Advanced设置为SATA Operation 设置为AHCI 16/09/2008 02/03/2020 02/03/2020 ZOL中关村在线提供戴尔Inspiron 灵越 14 3000(3476)系列笔记本电脑所有单品的型号、报价、配置、评测、行情、图片、论坛、点评、视频、驱动下载等内容,以及戴尔Inspiron 灵越 14 3000(3476)系列笔记本电脑的经销商报价,为您购买戴尔Inspiron 灵越 14 3000(3476)笔记本电脑提供全面的参考 Specifications of Inspiron 3471 Dimensions and weight Table 2. Dimensions and weight Description Values Height 290 mm (11.42 in.) Width 92.60 mm (3.65 in.) Depth 292 mm (11.50 in.) Weight 4.80 kg (10.58 lb) NOTE: The weight of your computer depends on the configuration ordered and the manufacturing variability. Find great deals on Dell inspiron cd rw dvd CD & DVD Drives, including discounts on the LG 8x DVD-RW Mdisc Slim Ext USB. TEAC CD-224E-N Slim CDROM ULD 下载 Dell Inspiron 1150 DVD Firmware v.D.AD, A02. 名称: Wireless LAN Driver . 版本: /­, A09. 系统: Windows XP Windows 2000.

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